Here's the best way to learn D Major Scale on Piano/Keyboard easily.
If you have ever wondered how to play D major scale, how it works and what the benefits are, then you are at the right place. With a simple formula you will learn to play D major scale. We'll start with the basics of scales.
A scale is a collection of related 8 notes moving in a stepwise sequence, like a ladder. Each scale begins on its key note, which matches the name of the scale. For instance, if you are going to play D major scale, you’ll begin on the note D. Scales are usually played ascending (going up) then descending (going down). If a song uses the notes that appear in D major scale, then the song is said to be in the ‘key of D major’.
WHOLE STEP & HALF STEP – the building blocks of scales
In order to find out any Major Scale on Piano, we need to learn a formula of Whole Steps and Half Steps. So, here's a quick reminder of what Whole Steps & Half Steps are.
Half Step: A half step, or semitone, is the smallest interval between notes. Notes that are directly next to each other - such as B and C, or F sharp and G - are a half step apart.
Whole Step: A whole step is equal to two half steps or two semitones. If you play the note F on the piano, the note G is one whole step above it, and E flat is one whole step below it.
For a clear explanation and demonstration about Whole Step and Half Step watch this video
Whole Step, Whole Step, Half Step, Whole Step, Whole Step, Whole Step, Half Step.
PLAY D MAJOR SCALE - right hand fingering
ascending (going up)
Play Middle D with your Thumb (1st finger)
Play E with your Index Finger (2nd finger)
Play F# with your Middle Finger (3rd finger)
Now, tuck your thumb (1st finger) under and play G.
Play A with your Index Finger (2nd finger)
Play B with your Middle Finger (3rd finger)
Play C# with your Ring Finger (4th finger)
Play D with your Pinky (5th finger)
descending (going down)
Keep your pinky on D. Although, you don't have to strike the key again while going down.
Play C# with your Ring Finger (4th finger)
Play B with your Middle Finger (3rd finger)
Play A with your Index Finger (2nd finger)
Play G with your Thumb (1st finger)
Now, cross over your Middle Finger (3rd Finger) and play F#
Play E with your Index Finger (2nd finger)
Play Middle D with your Thumb (1st finger)
PLAY D MAJOR SCALE - left hand fingering
ascending (going up)
Play D with your Pinky (5th finger)
Play E with your Ring Finger (4th finger)
Play F# with your Middle Finger (3rd finger)
Play G with your Index Finger (2nd finger)
Play A with your Thumb (1st finger)
Now, cross over your Middle Finger (3rd Finger) and play B
Play C# with your Index Finger (2nd finger)
Play D with your Thumb (1st finger)
descending (going down)
Keep your Thumb on D. Although, you don't have to strike the key again while going down.
Play C# with your Index Finger (2nd finger)
Play B with your Middle Finger (3rd finger)
Now, tuck your thumb (1st finger) under and play A.
Play G with your Index Finger (2nd finger)
Play F# with your Middle Finger (3rd finger)
Play E with your Ring Finger (4th finger)
Play D with your Pinky (5th finger)
One thing you will notice as you start to play the D Major Scale on your piano is that you will be playing two black keys - F# and C#
Also, try to practice this scale with both hands together. Start at a slow speed and gradually increase your speed day by day.
You can find all the other Major Scales on our Youtube Channel - Yeshu Ke Geet
Anyone can make up a scale, if you are feeling experimental, why not have a go? It is an interesting way to see the impact of a scale and key on the character of the music. Enjoy exploring this musical pattern.